Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Author Post: Blog #8, "Cleansing..Out With the Old"

Last time, I spoke about planting seeds for your future.  Well, another idea in making those seeds flourish is to cleanse out the old, which will, in turn, bring in new challenges, new hope and new promises into your life.

I cleaned my garage last week and got rid of "STUFF" I honestly didn't use.  It felt great!  Now, as I go through my home and look around my basement, I'm thinking, "How in the world did all these things accumulate!?"  I felt like I needed to call CLEAN HOUSE, the TV show!  Anyway, as I made myself begin to clean the cellar, I felt the house become lighter and less cluttered, throwing away junk from my past.

That is how God wants us all to become...less cluttered and letting go of the past so that He can bless us with the promises of our future.  We have a very difficult time "letting go" of things, so we hold on to them, thinking that one day we might need them.  So, all these things that we hold on to become reminders of things from our past.  What we need to do is look toward the future instead of living in our rear view mirrors.  

Now, as I reflect on this, it is easy to breeze through the "JUNK," sifting out my past and getting rid of the burdens and chains that have been placed on me.  I feel a renewed sense of joy and know that my future is up ahead and very bright!!

Today, I had to watch them haul away something very dear to me..my Mom's car..the Lincoln she had so loved to drive.  It was something in her life that she enjoyed so much.  She gained pleasure from driving us all around all the time...and it was in my care for almost four years, since she had gone to be with the Lord.  I know it was just an object, but when I drove it and sat in it, I somehow felt closer to her, as if she were there with me.  I kept it for sentimental reasons, and spent a great deal of money keeping it running. 

Her Lincoln, a beautiful, cream-colored car to look at, was in good running condition.  However, the bottom, which was not visible to the eye, was rusting.  It is kind of like you and me...we may look great on the outside, but on the inside, we may carry heavy burdens that aren't visible to the eye and that make us less valuable to those around us.  We need to let go of these burdens.

I knew that I couldn't afford to keep her car, and not knowing what would need to be repaired next,  I sold it for so much less than I put into it.  However, I knew that it was good to us.  My daughter learned to drive in it and we had some goods times taking it around.  But, needless to say, it was holding me back.

I had tears in my eyes as I lifted my camera and took one last picture of it, before I watched it slowly disappear out of sight.  I had a sad feeling of emptiness, as if part of me had gone with it, and at the same time, had a feeling of relief.  As I thought about it, I realized that it was only an object and my Mom's spirit lives on in everything around me.

Cleansing...out with the old, in with the new, gives one a sense of renewal, knowing that better things are around the corner.

As an author, I can write about new ideas, new dreams and the new ventures up ahead.  To me, getting rid of clutter unfolds new possibilities, looking at my life as just beginning.

Unload the junk, clutter and distractions in your life today.  Let yourself feel lighter, lifting your burdens.  Let Go and Let God.  Thanks for listening!

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