Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Author Post: Blog #21, "FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS!"

As I sit here at my computer listening to the rain fall gently upon the sky light above, I know that new hope is on the horizon. Rain is so symbolic; it can cleanse the soul, washing away the old and bringing on new promises. It can saturate and stimulate the earth, bringing new colors and growth. It can sooth and renew your mind with exciting ideas, giving light to a refreshing glimpse or a mysterious wonderment of what may and what is to come up ahead.

At the first feel of Spring, one can get a sense of beginnings, new birth..and rebirth. You can choose to make the Springtime the beginning of new endeavors, new motivation and new spirit..a time of rejuvenating and re-visualizing...a JUBILEE! 

In the Bible, "Jubilee" refers to a year of Liberty, and being liberated. It relates to property being released or returned to the original owner, and is used by Jeremiah to describe the release of slaves during the Sabbatical year. The year of "Jubilee" is a year of celebrating the Goodness God has given man. It's a celebration of high hopes, endless abundance and megadreams! Imagine it..the extreme sense of freedom to do whatever you choose and to live whatever way you'd like. There are no chains of bondage around you. We live in a country that is "The Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave!!" "One Nation Under GOD!" Start FEELING your freedom and go out and make a difference..THE ULTIMATE difference!

Get out your pen and paper and begin to write your novel. Or, go down and start cleaning out that cluttered basement. Begin a new adventure in your life or a new line of work, or step-up your current work. Study hard in school or college and focus on learning and writing great papers! Enhance your dreams and begin NOW to plant the seeds of your future. With all of Spring's hopes and all of Spring's promises, you, too, can begin again..to a whole new lifestyle and a whole new excitement, enhancing your every day routine! 

Think of the past and how far you've come. Let your Faith lead you to the next steps. Hold your head up high and believe that YOU can make a difference in this world! Use the beautiful means that God gave you to accomplish great things for His purpose. Begin now, in the first signs of Spring, to take a giant leap of Faith and dive into the unknown, where your dreams await you.

Believe that everything is on the right TRACK, as you hear those far off train whistles! You are where you are right now...FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! One of my very favorite verses in the Bible comes from Esther 4:14. "And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?" These wonderful words were spoken to Esther, the beautiful Jewish Queen of Persia, who miraculously saved all the Jews from death. We are ALL in our ROYAL POSITIONS..For Such A Time As THIS! It is the special PURPOSE that God created each and every one of us for! Everything in life happens in God's wonderful TIMING! Awaken and hear God's gentle voice lead you to great things, awesome ideas and your road to an amazing life! 

After all, you are reading this for a reason and for such a time as this!! God's speed!