Life is pretty amazing. We are born into a world so vast and promising. We depend on our caregivers to nurture us and teach us how to live, sometimes learning from example, and other times exploring on our own. We make mistakes, and try our very best to seek new adventures and new opportunities. However, things sometimes become mundane and common. We try to renew our way of thinking, but somehow our thoughts tend to revert back to the similar and we stay planted in our comfortable place. We think thoughts like, "I want to make some kind of difference in this world." "How can I get out of this rut?" "Will my life ever be anything but a struggle?" "How can I break out of this every day routine?" These types of thoughts will keep you in the very same place, grounded in your comfort zone. So, what do you do?
Seek abundance! Now, that doesn't mean make a lot of money, because you can't take it with you. That also doesn't mean to buy a nicer house or a new car, because God doesn't look at those things. He will always look at how well you treated His people and the kind of example you set for your children and those around you.
Abundance simply means gaining heavenly wealth. You may be awesome at what you do. You may be happy and feeling "safe" in your usual day, and that's fine! However, WHAT IF you began weighing out your options? WHAT IF you started thinking a different way about your life's decisions. WHAT IF you went out on a limb and began to explore your heart's desire, your deepest passion, your spark! GOD MADE YOU WHO YOU ARE ON PURPOSE! He knows the path He put you on. He created it! He knows how every moment of your life will turn out. He prepared it!
LIFE AS WE KNOW IT is what we were taught by our parents, grandparents, relatives and loved ones, and that's wonderful! But, you are your own person. Use the guidelines enforced by your family, and then branch out to your own YOU! Don't search for your passion, it is already within you!
Do you have a dream or an idea in the back of your mind that you have always thought about? Well, then, INVITE the possibilities! PRAY ABOUT the possibilities! And, LIVE the possibilities! LIFE AS WE KNOW IT can be so much more. God wants us all to live life to our fullest potential, to expand new horizons, to reach our highest height! LOOK UP and see that there are endless treasures to behold. There are an infinite amount of blessings to gain. There are loud and blessed train whistles to hear, knowing that you are on the right track! (I hear one now, immediately after I wrote that! Wow, thank you, Lord!)
Jesus said in Matthew 7:7-8 of the King James Version of the Bible, "Ask and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
It's all there in the Bible! Jesus' guidelines to life. We just have to ask Him, read His Word and apply it into our lives. That is truly the only way to live an abundant and fulfilling life. Pray for God to give you the knowledge and strength to move forward into a life of ultimate satisfaction and abundance. A life of helping others, loving more, doing what Jesus would do and what you are passionate about. Ask Him for help. Do what you love, love what you do. It is the only way to be fully content and living in the moment.
God put the spirit in my heart to write. It is so rewarding and soothing to me. I write what God tells me to write in my spirit. He is writing this right now! I didn't prepare what I would say or what topic to write about. I just began to write what was in my heart, at a constant pace.
Live each day in faith, with thanksgiving, love, peace, motivation, contentment, self-worth, laughter and divine glory to God. You will then see all the obstacles fade, all the negative words turn to positive, all the lagging turn to skipping and all your world change for the better.
That is exactly how God designed it. So, now go out and live your life as He intended!
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